Meremme tähden (En. For our sea’s sake) is an annual Baltic Sea event organized in Rauma, Finland, to make people aware of the fact that protecting the sea is not “someone else’s job” but everyone’s responsibility.
The first Meremme tähden event was organized in March 2012, and it got such a warm reception among the visitors, that it was decided to be transformed into an annual tradition. Ever since Meremme tähden has been organized every year in Rauma.
In April 2017, WaterChain project took the helm of the event. This time the event was organized at the Merimäki Campus of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in Rauma. The event was free of charge and open to everyone. The day consisted of various activities and informative stands, where the visitors took a peek beneath the surface, as the theme was “Pinnanalainen luonto” (En. Nature beneath the surface). There was also an hourly repeated set of brief and informative presentations related to water protection.
In May 2018, the public event took place at the SAMK Merimäki Campus in Rauma. The year’s theme “Merestä on moneksi” (En. The sea can offer plenty) covered various activities at the campus area and the port area nearby. In the morning, the schoolchildren were welcome to take a closer view of the Baltic Sea. The event offered a possibility to get to know different trades and professions related to the sea. One could for example visit the maritime simulators, study the food chain, admire the topsail schooner Kaljaasi Ihana, explore the sea rescue cutter, and examine what the micro plastics look like under a microscope. In the afternoon, the same activities were welcoming the adults, too. In addition, there was a set of brief presentations concentrating on how we can protect the Baltic Sea from hazardous substances, such as plastics, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals that might eventually be found on our own plate.
The WaterChain project challenges people to do their part and give their promises to the Baltic Sea by writing it down and hanging it up for everybody to see.
More information in Finnish: