A strategic approach is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Several examples of strategic approaches were formulated for various stakeholders during WaterChain project.

Here you can find documentation and a film about a strategic, sustainable and holistic approach about how to enable a sustainable drinking water supply and clean drinking water for everyone.
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Event organizers
Do you want your event to be as sustainable as possible while also considering the Baltic Sea and water protection issues? Here you can get help from the checklist we have created. The checklist has been created within the Rock of Baltic Sea campaign, where we challenged musicians, festival organizers and music lovers to give promises to the Baltic Sea. The list has been created in dialogue with festival organizers and can now be used as support for anyone who wants to organize more sustainable events.
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When you as a farmer want to improve your profitability while starting to work more sustainably from an environmental perspective, it may be good to start with a strategic approach to get a holistic perspective on the actions that can be taken. You want to create better profitability, and one of the goals is that nutrients should stay on the fields to optimize the crops. Here you can use our decision support tool help select suitable methods for your particular field or farming area and you can read the leaflets to get more information about the different methods.
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