Rock the Baltic Sea is a social media campaign initiated in 2017 to increase awareness of water protection and the challenges the Baltic Sea has faced for many years and still struggles to tackle. Everyone plays a role in the campaign – Rock the Baltic Sea brings together the musicians, festivals and music lovers. To do your part, share your promise to the Baltic Sea in the social media, and challenge others to take part too!
Festivals were a big part of the campaign. WaterChain took part in the festivals and promoted the cause by engaging people to give their promises to the Baltic Sea. The campaign caught people’s interest, and the Baltic Sea received dozens of promises from the general public.
During the first year, Porispere festival (Pori, Finland) took the challenge and promised to leave the festival area cleaner than it was before the festival. Rock the Baltic Sea collected people’s promises in recycled strips of banderoles and hung them up for everyone to see.
Also Fishbait Rock Festival in Åland promised to make environmentally conscious choices when organizing the festival. For example, they preferred locally produced food and beverages, and their vision was to donate the festival revenue to the Baltic Sea Foundation.

In 2018, Rock the Baltic Sea campaign will be organized under a boating related Central Baltic project – the PortMate project. The campaign will be a part of the PortMate Sailing campaign.
Julle Kallio promises to leave all the use of unnecessary plastic. He is challenging all Pori’s and Satakunta’s musicians to the Rock the Baltic Sea -campaign!